Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 5G SM-F721B 256GB (8GB RAM) - Bespoke Edition


Product Code: E0XBOP8HZZ

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Important Info

How to order

This is special pre-order item.
1. Please first complete checkout and payment. You will receive order ID

2. Write to us using contact form indicating your Order ID and inform us your selected color for each bespoke parts. It is estimated to take 3 - 4 weeks for order to be produced and ship.
Important: Cancellation of order is strictly prohibited after order has been placed.

Limited Warranty for screen of foldable phones

In line with Manufacturer's warranty policy - Standard warranty policy does not cover any cosmetic or physical damage to screen - including and not limited to gradually developing defects, cracks, dents, including defects caused by friction. You may refer to respective manufacturer's website for more information on screen warranty policy before purchase.

Limited Warranty for screen of foldable phones

In line with Manufacturer's warranty policy - Standard warranty policy does not cover any cosmetic or physical damage to screen - including and not limited to gradually developing defects, cracks, dents, including defects caused by friction. You may refer to respective manufacturer's website for more information on screen warranty policy before purchase.


Design Your Style

Browse custom Galaxy Bespoke Edition styles curated by Samsung, or design your own signature look.

Please check how it can be customized in Samsung website.

Color availability

Front  / Back : Yellow, White , Navy, Khaki , Red

Frame : Silver , Gold, Black

UPC/EAN: 8806094588323 8806094803853

Product Reviews

E.OVerified Buyer 03 Apr 2023

Galaxy Z Flip4 を購入しました。 ①発注してからの流れについて ・メッセージが届き安心出来ました。 ・荷物の状況がサイトから確認できます。 ・到着予定日より数日早く荷物が届きました。 ②届いた商品について ・梱包はプチプチを緩衝材として商品に巻かれていました。 ・緩衝材を外し商品を見てみると、商品の箱はへこみはありませんでした。 しかし、傷がありました。 ・YouTubeなどでZ Flip4のレビュー動画をいくつか見てましたのでそれらの商品と私に届いた商品の違いがありました。 「ビニールの包装が無かったです。」 ・箱を開け商品の中身を確認すると、 simピンが入っているケースが開けた形跡が残ってました。ケースからsimピンなどを取り出す際にケースのフタを開きます。そのフタの部分が折れ曲がっていました。 ・Z Flip4 本体について、 本体画面は折りたたんだ形跡がありました。折り畳んだ形跡については新品でも生産工場にて検査時折りたたむ検査があるかもしれませんので、新品の本体であっても画面の折り畳んだ形跡が有るかもしれません。何故ここに言及したかといいますと、私が見た動画レビューには折り畳んだ形跡が無い本体画面を初めて折りたたむという動画を見ていたためであって、これについては私の主観が入っています。 ・電源をオンにしてみて、 「画面が既に焼きつきがありました。」 これらから総合して考えられることは新品ではない商品を新品として売り出しているという疑いを持ったということです。 既にここのサイトで商品を買われている方々からの意見をお聞きしたいと思います。 商品は問題なく使えています。 スコアの星は個人的に3です。 星を1にした理由は個人的に注目を集めたいためです。 なぜなら、私のレビューを参考にしていただきたい。それと、先述しましたとおり他の方の意見をお聞かせいただきたいからです。 よろしくお願い致します。 I purchased a Galaxy Z Flip4. (1) About the process after placing the order I received a message from you and it was very reassuring. I was able to check the status of my order from the website. I received the package a few days earlier than the scheduled arrival date. I received the package a few days earlier than the scheduled arrival date. The package was wrapped with a cushioning material. The box was not dented, but there were some scratches. However, there was a scratch. I had seen some review videos of Z Flip4 on YouTube, so there was a difference between those products and the product I received. There was no plastic wrapping. I opened the box and checked the contents, When I opened the box to check the contents, I found that the case containing the sim pin had been opened. When you take out the sim pins from the case, you open the lid of the case. The lid was bent. About the Z Flip4, The screen of the Z Flip4 had a trace of having been folded. The screen of the Z Flip4 may have been folded even if it is a brand-new product. The reason I mention this is because I saw a video review in which the screen was folded for the first time without any evidence of folding, which is subjective. turning on the power, The screen was already burned in." I am not sure what to make of all this, but I suspect that they are selling a product that is not brand new as brand new. I would like to hear from people who have already bought products from this site. The products are working fine. The score star is 3 for me personally. The reason I gave it 1 star is to get your personal attention. Because I would like you to refer to my review. And, as I mentioned, because I would like to hear other people's opinions. Thank you in advance.

Customer Q&A



Posted on Fri Sep 30, 2022 02:26 PM
ご担当者様 お世話になります。 ビスポークエディションの希望配色ですが、こちらからお伝えすればよろしいのでしょうか。 Front Glass:White Back Glass:White Metal Frame:Black 以上でございます。 よろしくお願いいたします。

Etoren Support Staff

Posted on Fri Sep 30, 2022 02:40 PM
お世話になっております。 ご購入後に問合せフォームから注文番号とともに希望の配色をご連絡を頂ければと思います。 宜しくお願いします。